How Indian Agriculture Is Benefited With Advanced Technology?

India’s agriculture industry faces many difficulties, including the growth of crop diseases and climate change. Modern technology is helping Indian farmers, though, as they come up with fresh approaches to these problems. Farming is becoming more sustainable and effective because of developments in plant medicine, agrometeorology, and the creation of applications like the Kisan App. Here’s how these developments are improving farmers’ lives all throughout the nation.

Role of agro weather in farming:

The weather has a big influence on the agricultural sector, especially in a place like India where the majority of the farming industry depends on rainfall. Indian farmers have always relied on their knowledge of regional weather patterns, but forecasting the weather has become more difficult due to changes in the climate.

The agro weather technologies can help in this situation. With its geographically specific, actual time weather information, farmers can better plan important tasks like planting, watering, and harvesting. Farmers may prevent damage to their crops and boost yields by being aware of temperature swings, humidity levels, and rainfall forecasts.

These systems also notify farmers of impending bad weather, such storms or droughts. This enables them to safeguard their machinery, take precautions against crop loss, and  optimize their farming efforts.

Utilizing plant medicine to save harvest:

Managing crop diseases is another major challenge for Indian farmers, as failing to treat them can result in massive losses. Particularly in areas with little access to agricultural advice services, these illnesses have the potential to spread quickly.

New developments in plant medicine have given farmers additional resources to safeguard their harvests. Nowadays, organic therapies and bio-pesticides are readily accessible, providing efficient ways to manage pests and diseases of crops without endangering the environment. These developments in plant medicine contribute to increased production and sustainable agricultural methods by ensuring that crops stay robust and healthy.

Furthermore, the usage of toxic pesticides is reduced while maintaining soil and water quality with these increasingly environmentally friendly plant treatments.

Applications as important tool for the farmers:

With the innovative Kisan App, Indian farmers can now easily access essential resources at their fingertips. This app offers a variety of information, such as market pricing, weather updates, and professional guidance on managing crop illnesses and applying plant medicine efficiently.

Furthermore, the Kisan App assists farmers in keeping up to date on government programs, grants, and ecologically conscious farming practices. Those who live in rural areas or don’t have regular access to agricultural advising services will find this especially useful. By facilitating the use of contemporary techniques and technologies, the app has helped farmers close a technological gap with conventional farming methods.


With the changing agricultural situation in India, farmers there are utilizing technology to enhance their standard of living. Farming has become more profitable and accessible with the Kisan App’s extensive resources, plant medicinal improvements, and real-time agro weather reports. These developments enable farmers to boost productivity and improve the nation’s food security in addition to assisting them in reducing hazards. Agriculture in India will become more resilient, sustainable, and efficient throughout time as a result of technological advancement.